A more beautiful internet
Mstylelab is far more than a digital storefront—it’s a pioneering world of fashion, technology, and interaction.
Utilizing Journee’s AI Cloud Technology, the immersive platform captivates users with a tailored digital world, charting a new path towards immersive, personalized shopping experiences. Through mstylelab, users can step into a virtual world, get up close and personal with Macy’s new in-house On 34th collection, and explore an iconic, surrealist take on a virtual slice of New York. Created with their own unique digital identity, Macy’s account owners could pick up a unique, personalized t-shirt design
Overall, mstylelab isn’t just redefining Macy’s digital strategy; it’s setting a new industry standard for what’s possible in the intersection of fashion and technology. With its trailblazing features and seamless user experience, Mstylelab showcases the potential for brands to use immersive experiences as new avenues for marketing, engagement, and customer loyalty.